One Mile at a Time
Finnair Plus Adopts Avios As Rewards Currency
In August 2023, major changes were announced to Finnair Plus, whereby the program is adopting Avios as its rewards currency. There’s a major update, as the new program is now live.
Young Travelers of Hong Kong
Cathay Pacific Unveils New Aria Suite Business Class, Premium Economy
A brief overview of Cathay Pacific's new Aria Suite Business Class, Premium Economy, and Economy cabins on the Boeing 777-300ER. The post Cathay Pacific Unveils New Aria Suite Business Class, Premium Economy appeared first on Young Travelers of Hong Kong.
One Mile at a Time
Boeing Whistleblower Dies In Apparent Suicide
A former Boeing employee has tragically died in an apparent suicide, and the timing of this sure is… kind of chilling?
One Mile at a Time
China Airlines Launching Seattle Flights In July 2024
Taiwan-based China Airlines is planning on adding a new route to the United States. I can’t believe how competitive this market is becoming, and how quickly it’s happening…
International Stories
You Have Been Upgraded
… und am Donnerstag gewerkschaftliche Maßnahmen bei Austrian
Streichungen wegen einer Betriebsversammlung … Letzten Freitag sind wegen einer anberaumten Betriebversammlung 70% der Flüge der Austrian entfallen.…
You Have Been Upgraded
Bis 100% BONUS bei Hilton Honors Punktesale
Bei Hilton Honors Punkte mit einem Bonus kaufen … UPDATE: Promo läuft heute aus! Hilton hat gerade einen…
Riku Miley
バックグラウンド 我が家は3月の春休みにコスタリカに行ってきます。初めての国なのでとてもワクワク、というかメキシコよりも南に行ったことがないのでどんな感じなのかよくわからないというのが正直な気持ちです。 今回の観光は2023年春にカテゴリ―が上がったAndaz PapagayoとSLHのTabacon Thermalに泊まるのが目的です。でもホテルから出てちょっとは観光したいです。 コスタリカは中米ですが、色々リサーチすると物価は安くないということに気が付きました。ツアーなどたくさんありますが家族3人だと費用が意外にかかる。そこでポイントを使ってアクティビティを予約するのはどうなのかなーと考えてみました。 航空券&ホテルはマイル&ポイントで無料 今回の旅行も航空券はマイル、ホテルはポイントで支払ったのは諸税のみです。同じ旅行を予約するとなると恐らく5,000ドルかそれ以上かかるかもしれませんが、私はマイル&ポイントを使ったので諸税の300ドル程度(厳密にはRitz-Carltonクレジットカードのトラベルクレジットを使ったので無料) オースティン空港の駐車場と現地での食事代とアクティビティ代だけが財布から出ていく金額です。ということでコスタリカで観光を楽しむ分は現金を出して楽しめばいいんです。 しかし、我が家は2024年に家を購入したい気持ちがあり、そのための貯金をしています。できる限り現金を使わないように工夫して旅行できたらなーと思います。中米の国だから物価も安いだろうし余裕だろ!と思ってたけど、レンタカー、レストラン、ツアーなどのアクティビティもまーまーいい値段です。 なのでこの記事のタイトル通りポイントを使って現金が出ていくのを防ごうか、それについて考えてみた!という記事なんです。   URポイントを1.5セントの価値でアクティビティに使う Chaseトラベルポータル経由でSapphire Reserveがあれば1.5セントの価値で、Sapphire PreferredかInk Preferredがあれば1.25セントの価値でフライト、ホテル、レンタカー、アクティビティが予約可能です。 同じようにUS BankのAltitude Reserveもトラベルカテゴリーなら1.5セントで使うことが可能。他のフレキシブルポイントは1.5ポイントでは使えない。 最近Sapphire Reserveを作ったので我が家は1.5セントでURポイントを使うことができます。コスタリカはコーヒー豆とカカオが収穫できるのでコーヒーとチョコレートツアーがあります。妻と坊ちゃんがチョコレート好きなので連れて行ってあげようかなーと思って色々調べると大人が35ドル前後、子供は25-30ドルぐらいで3人で100ドルちょっとかかるツアーがほとんどでした。 現地でコーヒーやチョコレートの製造過程を目でみて学べて、その場で食べれるのでいい経験になると思う反面、チョコとコーヒーでちょっと知識学ぶのに100ドルって高いんじゃないか?と思う自分もいます。 そこまでしてチョコレートを2人が食べたいのか?恐らく答えはNoです。だったら100ドルで好きなチョコレートをお店でお土産で購入して家に帰ってきて食べたり、友達とシェアしたりした方がお金の使い方としてはいい気がします。 でもね、よほど気に入らない限りコスタリカは今回の旅行が最初で最後でしょう。他に行きたい国もあるし。そう考えるとコスタリカでチョコレートツアーすることは二度とないチャンスだからチョコとコーヒーの物の価値より、体験と思い出の方が価値があるだろうからやった方がいいかも!と思います。   URポイントはHyattにトランスファーすれば・・・ じゃーURポイント使って予約しちゃえばいいね! なんですけど、予約の直前になって思い出すんです、このURポイントをHyattにトランスファーすればHyatt Placeだって1泊5,000ポイントで泊まれる。アメリカなら最近は150ドル、時には200ドルするHyatt Placeだって5,000ポイントだということを。 同じポイント数を200ドルするホテル滞在に使わずに100ドルのチョコレートツアーに使う、これって何かもったいないよね? と自問自答しました。   まとめ チョコレートツアーを例に使いましたが、ハイキングツアー、カヤックツアー、などExpediaで予約ができるものはほぼ全てChaseトラベルポータルで予約が可能です。理由はChaseトラベルポータルはExpediaを使っているためです。 100ドルをポイント使わずに支払ったら我が家は家を購入できなくなるぐらいなのか?家計に大きなダメージがあるのか?いずれも答えはNoです。 恐らく皆さんも経験あると思いますが、自分がものすごく好きな物ならお金をどんどん使えるけど、そこまでこだわりがないけどちょっと気になる物には慎重になると思います。 今回我が家の場合、コスタリカの物価が思っていたより高めだったので、レストランでの出費も予測していたよりは多くなりそう。だったらどこかポイントを使ってやってみたいことをやりつつ節約できないか? たどり着いた先はURポイントを使いアクティビティとレンタカーを予約するということでした。 URポイントの残高が少なく、Hyatt滞在に使いたいのにアクティビティを予約するのは邪道かもしれません。ただし、たくさんURポイントがあり、Hyattポイントも十分にあるならこのようにURポイントを使いアクティビティを予約して現金を使わず旅行を楽しむのもありだと思いました。 The post ChaseのURポイントを観光アクティビティに使うのはありか?それとも邪道か? first appeared on アメリカ在住陸マイラー.
Voyage Avance
カンタス航空(QF)のフライトをアメリカン航空(AA)のマイレージを使ってアップグレードするリクエストが可能になりました。   この新しいアップグレードオプションの詳細をお伝えします。   日本人初のBoardingAr...
Pontos pra Voar
Radar PPV – Resumo das promoções de acúmulo e transferência de pontos do dia 11 de março de 2024
Bem-vindos a primeira edição do Radar PPV da semana. A semana começou com o pé direito, tivemos diversas novidades que agitaram o front do acúmulo de pontos e milhas. Além disso, hoje o Pontos pra Voar completa 3 anos de existência e tivemos algumas campanhas exclusivas. Deixo aqui o meu...
Pontos pra Voar
Hoje é dia de 10:1! Veja 50 promoções oferecendo até 10 pontos Livelo por real gasto – Incluindo Casas Bahia
A edição de março da campanha 10:1 da Livelo já está no ar. Neste artigo, trazemos 50 campanhas oferecendo até 10 pontos por real gasto em compras online, incluindo Casas Bahia. Confira os principais detalhes abaixo. Note que todas as promoções, a não ser que tenha alguma indicação, são válidas apenas hoje,...
Pontos pra Voar
PPV 3 anos exclusivo – Resgate ingressos para o show do Andrea Bocelli por apenas 50 mil pontos Azul
Em comemoração aos 3 anos do Pontos pra Voar, a Azul está com uma nova campanha junto a Easy Live, onde oferecem aos seus associados a oportunidade de regatar um ingresso no show do Andrea Bocelli por 50 mil pontos. Aproveite, pois estoque é limitado. Azul e Easy Live Conforme...
Pontos pra Voar
Semana do Consumidor Accor: Reserve hotéis em São Paulo com piscina e diárias a partir de R$ 246
Confira neste artigo algumas sugestões de hotéis da rede Accor na cidade de São Paulo que dispões de piscina participantes da campanha da Semana do Consumidor e que tem diárias a partir de R$ 246 para hospedagens nos próximos meses. Veja os principais detalhes a seguir. Reservas Semana do Consumidor Siga...
Pontos pra Voar
Aproveite! Conta Digital Nomad com até US$ 50 de cashback na primeira remessa
Na sua campanha especial em comemoração Semana do Consumidor, a Nomad está oferecendo até US$ 50 de cashback para os clientes que utilizarem o código PPV50 no momento da abertura da conta e realizarem a primeira remessa em até 15 dias. Abaixo, confira os principais detalhes. Como Resgatar seu Benefício...
Pontos pra Voar
Compre pontos Esfera com até 52% de desconto e parcelamento em até 12x – Milheiro a partir de R$33,60
Em comemoração a Semana do Consumidor, a Esfera está oferecendo aos seus clientes até 52% de desconto na compra de pontos, o que faz com o milheiro saia por apenas R$ 33,60. Na sequência, confira os principais detalhes. Desconto O desconto desta promoção está organizado da seguinte maneira: 52% de...
You Have Been Upgraded
Ein Blick in die neue Cathay Pacific Business
Die neue Cathay Pacific Business … Im Sommer 2023 hat Cathay Pacific eine neue 1-2-1 Business für die…
You Have Been Upgraded
Dreifache Punkte bei Marriott Homes&Villas
Marriott Homes&Villas gibt mehr Punkte aus … Marriott Bonvoy Homes&Villas ist leider im Vergleich zu Airbnb eine schwache…
Travel With Massi
5 Möglichkeiten für Lounge-Zugang vor deinem nächsten Flug
Flughäfen können eine stressige Umgebung sein. Tausende Reisende auf dem Weg in unterschiedliche Richtungen, Warteschlangen, Boarding-Aufrufe, Duty-Free-Labyrinthe und überteuertes Essen und Getränke. Der Aufenthalt in einer Flughafenlounge ist eine großartige Möglichkeit, sich vor deinem nächsten Flug zu entspannen. Dies können Zufluchtsorte vor dem Chaos im Terminal sein und dir die Möglichkeit bieten, die...
Pontos pra Voar
PPV 3 anos! Assine nossos grupos de Emissões com até 30% de desconto – Apenas R$ 17,99 por mês
Para comemorar o aniversário de três anos do Pontos pra Voar criamos um cupom especial para você assinar nossos grupos de Programas de Fidelidade e Emissões com até 30% de desconto. Veja os detalhes a seguir. Diferencias dos Nossos Grupos Veja 10 pontos que nos distinguem de outros grupos do mercado: Temos...
Travel With Massi
Jetzt die PAYBACK American Express Karte mit 4.000 Punkte Willkommensbonus beantragen
Die PAYBACK American Express® Card bietet im Augenblick einen attraktiven Willkommensbonus. Mit dem Bonusprogramm von Payback können Mitglieder in zahlreichen Geschäften und Online-Händlern kostenlos Punkte sammeln, die Möglichkeit diese in Miles & More Meilen umwandeln zu können, macht Payback-Punkte zu einer der wertvollsten Punkte. Zusätzliche Punkte kannst du mit der...
Pontos pra Voar
PPV 3 anos! Hoje é o nosso aniversário e o obrigado vai para você, querido leitor!
Há exatos três anos, neste mesmo horário, 12:32h, foi ao ar o primeiro artigo do Pontos pra Voar e tenho muito orgulho do que conseguimos construir em apenas 36 meses. Hoje, somos um dos maiores portais em língua portuguesa sobre programas de fidelidade, cartões de crédito e notícias de viagem...
Pontos pra Voar
Ganhe até 30% de bônus na transferência de pontos da Caixa para o LATAM Pass
Em sua nova promoção, o LATAM Pass e a Caixa estão oferecendo aos seus clientes até 30% de bônus na transferência de pontos. Veja os detalhes abaixo. Bonificação A bonificação está estruturada da seguinte forma: 15% de bônus – Clientes LATAM Pass. 30% de bônus – Clientes Clube LATAM Pass....
Pontos pra Voar
Ganhe até 5 pontos Livelo por real gasto em compras online na Amazon
Aproveite! Livelo e Amazon estão com uma nova oferta oferecendo aos seus clientes até 5 pontos por real gasto em compras online. Na sequência, veja os detalhes desta campanha válida até o dia 15 de março. Pontuação A pontuação turbinada está estruturada da seguinte forma nesta promoção da Livelo com...
Pontos pra Voar
Ganhe até 80% de bônus na transferência de pontos do Banco do Nordeste (BNB) para a Azul – Acumule até 20% de bônus extra por tempo de clube
Azul deu início a mais uma campanha de transferência bonificada. Nesta oferta, está oferecendo aos clientes do Banco do Nordeste (BNB) até 80% de bonificação na transferência de pontos. Além disso, os assinantes do Clube Azul ganham até 20% de bônus extra. Veja todos os detalhes na sequência! Bonificação Para...
Pontos pra Voar
Azul oferece 31% de desconto na transferência de pontos para o ALL Accor – Ganhe até 20% de bônus
Pensando em mandar seus pontos para o ALL Accor? Aproveite, pois a Azul deu início a uma nova campanha de transferência de pontos, na qual oferece aos clientes elegíveis até 31% de desconto no envio dos pontos. Além disso, é possivel ganhar um bônus de até 20% sobre os pontos...
Pontos pra Voar
Assine ou atualize o Clube Esfera e ganhe até 40 mil pontos bônus – Milheiro a partir de R$ 30,85
A Esfera começou a semana com uma nova campanha de assinatura do Clube, onde oferece aos seus clientes até 40 mil pontos de bônus ao aderir ou atualizar para os novos planos. A seguir, apresentamos os principais detalhes desta oferta e o valor do milheiro de cada plano. Mecânica da...
Riku Miley
どんどん上がる預け荷物費用 | American, United, Delta, AlaskaのChecked bag feeが上がりました
サマリー アメリカで住んでいると物の値段が高くなるインフレを肌で感じることが多いと思います。特にここ2-3年は何もかもが高くなっています。 エアラインも例外ではありません。預け荷物の費用が上がります。こちら米系エアラインの国内線の預け荷物費用↓ 1つにつき5ドルぐらいしか上がりませんが、旅行を何回もする人、そして家族の人数が多い人にとっては地味に出費が増えます。 インフレなんだからしょうがない!という意見も理解できますが、もともとは預け荷物費用なんてチケットに込々でしたからね。ちなみに日本国内線はかからないでしょ?何で他の国のエアラインができてアメリカはできないのか?そしてどんどん上がっていくのか? もちろんエアラインのクレジット💳を作れば預け荷物費用はWaiveされますが(UnitedだけはUnitedクレジットカードで支払わないと無料にならない)、クレジットカードの年会費がかかってしまいます。クレジットカードの年会費も徐々に上がってきています。直接費用を払うか年会費として支払うかの違いだけで払っていることには変わりありません。 今後はCarry-onにたくさん荷物詰めてできる限りCheckしない人がより増えるでしょう。 The post どんどん上がる預け荷物費用 | American, United, Delta, AlaskaのChecked bag feeが上がりました first appeared on アメリカ在住陸マイラー.
Voyage Avance
ロンドン・ヒースロー空港(LHR)には5つ、営業しているホテルがあります。   IHGはヒースロー空港でホテルの選択肢に事欠くことはありません。   IHG One Rewardsポイントを増やしたり、ポイント泊をしたり...
Pontos pra Voar
PPV 3 anos – Segue valendo promoção de transferência da Esfera e outros parceiros selecionados para a Azul com até 70% de bônus
Pensando em mandar seus pontos para a Azul? A campanha exclusiva do aniversário de 3 anos do Pontos pra Voar segue valendo até amanhã, dia 11 de março. Nesta oferta, os clientes ganham até 50% de bônus na transferência de pontos da Esfera e de outros parceiros financeiros selecionados e...
Michael W Travels
Win A Marriott Hotels Bed & 2 Night Marriott Bonvoy Hotel Stay
Hotels at Home Inc is currently running the Shop Marriott 2024 Sweepstakes. In the sweepstakes, one lucky winner will win a choice of either a Marriott Hotels Bed or a two- night stay at any Bonvoy hotel property! If the winner is a Bonvoy member, they’re “entitled to receive both...
Frequent Miler
Which award search tool is best?
This post has been largely re-written since last publication. I’ve added new tools, separated free tools from paid tools, and changed how I summarize each tool’s loyalty program coverage. For the latter, rather than simply listing the total number of covered programs, I now spell out which US programs and...

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Read the latest reviews for road warriors and frequent flyers.

The Gate with Brian Cohen
5 Reasons Why All Toll Agencies Should Accept Credit Cards
The proceeds from the collection of money from tolls are used to supplement the costs of maintaining highways, bridges, and tunnels. Fewer toll agencies are accepting cash as they abandon that form of payment in favor of electronic tolls. 5 reasons why all toll agencies should accept credit cards are...
The Bulkhead Seat
Boeing Whistleblower Found Dead in Apparent Suicide
A 62-year-old, former Boeing employee who raised concerns around production standards was found dead… The post Boeing Whistleblower Found Dead in Apparent Suicide appeared first on The Bulkhead Seat.
LATAM: 50 injured when flight ‘drops’ between Sydney and Auckland
The pilot of a LATAM flight between Sydney and Auckland told passengers that the plane “dropped out of the sky”. About two hours into the flight, all the cockpit gauges went blank. Fifty unsecured passengers and crew collided with the ceiling, damaging panels. Others dropped heavily, sustaining many minor injuries....
Frequent Miler
Direct link to 200K Business Platinum offer without lifetime language [YMMV]
Update 3/11/24: We’ve received several recemt DP’s of folks being able to successfully apply for this 200K offer that weren’t able to previously. It still does appear to be targeted, and you have to log-in order to apply, but it seems like it might be open to a new round...
Frequent Flyer Bonuses
IHG Flash Offer: 3x points + 25% off stays in Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific
IHG has a new flash sale offering triple points and up to 25% off stays at their hotels in Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific. This offer is available for bookings made by 11am AEDT on March 14 for stays until July 31, 2024. Click here for more details...
Paddle Your Own Kanoo
Witnesses Describe Horrific Scene With ‘Blood Everywhere’ as Man Repeatedly Stabs Seatmate With Homemade Shank On Alaska Airlines Flight to Las Vegas
A passenger on an Alaska Airlines flight from Seattle to Las Vegas repeatedly stabbed his seatmate in the face with a homemade shank in a horrific attempt to kill him, according to recently released court documents. Julio Alvarez Lopez has been indicted with assault with a dangerous weapon following a...
Your Mileage May Vary
There’s Value In Qantas’ Frequent Flyer Program Once You Know Where To Look
We’ve only been on two Qantas flights during our trip to Australia with Adventures by Disney in 2014. I didn’t have a Qantas account at the time. However, I did…
Frequent Miler
New Alaska Award Charts Are Going Live…Slowly
Update 3/11/24: Alaska’s new award charts are starting to go live today and will be completely implemented by 3/31/24. This week, new award pricing between the United States and Africa/Europe will begin, with the remaining regions coming onboard during the last half of March.  (h/t: OMAAT) ~~~ Alaska Mileage Plan...
{Tech} for Travel
British Airways App and Website Finally Get Some Love
It feels like we've waited forever for this news, but a new British Airways App and website are on the way as part of BA's £7bn modernisation plan. The post British Airways App and Website Finally Get Some Love appeared first on {Tech} for Travel.
View from the Wing
Man Buys $65 Million Skyscraper With A Credit Card, Earns $1.3 Million
At 2 transferrable points per dollar, $65 million would translate to 130,000,000 points. Continue reading Man Buys $65 Million Skyscraper With A Credit Card, Earns $1.3 Million...
Frequent Miler
Office Depot/OfficeMax: Buy $300+ Mastercard Gift Cards, Save $15
Office Depot and OfficeMax stores have returned with its profitable gift card deal on Mastercard gift cards through 3/16/24. The Deal Buy $300+ Mastercard gift cards at Office Depot/OfficeMax & get $15 off instantly. Key Terms Valid March 10-16, 2024. Limit 10 per household/business (different stores may try to impose...
Paddle Your Own Kanoo
Scandinavian Airlines SAS Pens Deal With Norwegian Armed Forces to Turn Passenger Planes into ‘Flying Hospitals’ in the Event of War
Scandinavian airline SAS has reached a new deal with the Norwegian Armed Forces for ‘strategic air evacuation’, which would see the carrier quickly convert one of its Airbus A320neo aircraft from a normal passenger plane into a flying hospital in the event of a major catastrophe or the outbreak of...
Points With a Crew
Should you buy Hilton points with (up to) a 100% bonus? (Buy before Tuesday)
Buying points can be a great way to boost your balance, but only if makes sense financially! Does the new Hilton promotion fit that criteria?
Your Mileage May Vary
Things Locals Wish Tourists Knew When They Visit
Wherever you go, you’re going to encounter social norms that are specific to that particular place. Sometimes they’re big things, like how blowing your nose in public in Japan is…
The Bulkhead Seat
Another United Flight Forced to Divert Over Mechanical Issue in Sydney
United Airlines has been making lots of news lately and most of it has… The post Another United Flight Forced to Divert Over Mechanical Issue in Sydney appeared first on The Bulkhead Seat.
Paddle Your Own Kanoo
Lufthansa Flight From Frankfurt Forced to Make Emergency Diversion After Smoking Coffee Machine Fills Cabin With Fumes
A Lufthansa flight from Frankfurt to Gothenburg, Sweden, was forced to make an emergency diversion on Saturday afternoon when the cabin started to fill with smoke from a coffee machine at the front of the plane that had overheated. Lufthansa flight LH818 was being operated by a 27-year-old Airbus A319,...
Frequent Miler and Amex partner to allow access to cardholders and American Express have launched a new partnership whereby Amex cardholders can now go to and log in with their existing American Express login to access a version of that is tailored to Amex’s transfer partners. Unfortunately, at the moment, they appear to be experiencing a technical...
Fly & Dine
Hyatt Regency Long Beach Wins for Families
As a parent, you’ll do anything to make your kid’s birthday special. I was shocked, however, to see just how far the Hyatt Regency Long Beach went to make my son’s birthday stay at their property a massive success. For my son’s 4th birthday this year, we gave him a...
Miles To Memories
American Express Partners with for Award Flight Searches
Today,, a popular travel award search platform, has announced a new partnership with American Express. The post American Express Partners with for Award Flight Searches appeared first on Miles to Memories.
The Gate with Brian Cohen
Choice Hotels Abandons Hostile Takeover of Wyndham
Choice Hotels abandons its attempted hostile takeover of Wyndham Hotels & Resorts, Incorporated, as the exchange offer to acquire all of the issued and outstanding shares of Wyndham expired on Friday, March 8, 2024. Wyndham Hotels & Resorts, Incorporated rejected an unsolicited takeover bid by Choice Hotels International, Incorporated on... The post...
Live and Let’s Fly
Wow: Another United Airlines Mechanical Incident, This Time A Boeing 777-300ER Diversion In Australia
Last week was simply horrible for United Airlines, with multiple mechanical issues that raised questions about the carrier and its maintenance and also raised safety concerns about Boeing. Today, another incident occurred, this time involving a diversion of a Boeing 777-300ER in Sydney, Australia. United Airlines 777-3ooER Diversion To Sydney...
The Bulkhead Seat
Choice Hotels is Abandoning Its Wyndham Takeover Attempt
In October, I wrote about Choice Hotels initiating a hostile takeover. Choice Hotels International… The post Choice Hotels is Abandoning Its Wyndham Takeover Attempt appeared first on The Bulkhead Seat.
View from the Wing
Navigating Rental Car Scams: Strip Mall Guy’s Battle with Avis Over Unfair Charges
When he rented the car he "noticed a huge dent." So he did what many advise and took a photo, and also pointed it out to the rental company staffer. "[H]e noted it." Also what you're supposed to do! Yet a few weeks after the rental, he received...
Traveling For Miles
Big Alaska Airlines Mileage Plan award chart changes now in progress
Last week, we covered the changes that Alaska Airlines has made (and is still to make) to how Mileage Plan elite status is earned and the benefits that elite status offers, but the really big changes that the airline is making to its frequent flyer program come in the form...